We bring disruptive gentle force to re-sculpt cultural landscapes in both the physical and virtual worlds.

We initiate real action to mitigate climate risk, empowering vulnerable communities to become resilient through innovative technologies and art practices.

Sirius Initiative is a collaborative platform for future thinking that places art, technology, and social entrepreneurship at the core of its activities to catalyze climate-conscious social change.

We connect unique, creative, and the kindest humans to solve the knottiest societal and environmental challenges step by step.
We are the peacemakers in the age of civil war against the planetary ecosystem and all life within it.

After more than 10,000 years of relative stability—the full span of human civilization—the Earth’s climate is changing. As average temperatures rise, climate science finds that acute hazards such as heatwaves and floods grow in frequency and severity, and chronic hazards, such as drought and rising sea levels, intensify.
One of the most severe climate risks is that more frequent and dangerous heatwaves will threaten more people and other-than-human’s life in the future.
Based on the current green gas emission level, some climate risks like lethal heatwave attacks are already “locked in,” which indicates that 3.1 billion people will be at risk from chronic extreme heatwave by 2050. The very young and the elderly are the most vulnerable ones to overheating. In 2018, the EU recorded 104,000 heat-related deaths amongst older people, over one-third of the global total.

We humans have always been sensitive to temperature change. The ancient Greeks noticed that summer’s most intense heat occurred during the approximately 40-day period in the early summer when Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rose and set with the sun.
Sirius appears as a single star to the unaided eye, but it is really a binary star system, composed of a white main sequence star belonging to the spectral class A1V, known as Sirius A or Alpha Canis Majoris A, and a dim white dwarf with the stellar classification DA2, designated Sirius B or Alpha Canis Majoris B.

Canis Major, "great dog" in Latin, is a constellation built around Sirius, known as the Dog Star
Sirius is also known as Dog Star. Homer noted:
“Sirius rises late in the dark,
liquid sky on summer nights,
star of stars,
Orion’s Dog they call it, brightest of all,
but an evil portent,
bringing heat and fevers to suffering humanity.”
Johannes Hevelius' Canis Major from Uranographia (1690)

“The dog is useful both for hunting and for guiding:
wherefore they depict the dog whom they call Anubis with the head of a dog, to show that he was one of the bodyguards, Isis,
in her search for Osiris not only protected her from wild beasts and from the people that she encountered but also, being sympathetic to her plight, joined with howling in her search.“
Diodorus Siculus
However, in ancient Egyptian mythology, the Dog is not bringing any evil effect to humans but provides powerful guidance and protection for Isis in search of her dead lover Osiris’ corpse. The Dog is the guardian and guide for a soul-to-soul reunion.

Book of the Dead, spell 151: Anubis attends the mummy on a bier with Isis and Nephthys as principal mourners at foot and head.
Inspired by the cosmic wonder of eternal binary companionship and Isis’ fearless search for her lost love and faith that no one should be left alone in this universe, especially the most vulnerable and those who are lost and in pain, we started the Sirius Initiative.
The Sirius Initiative aims to connect dedicated artists, scientists, designers, and bold individuals to tackle the hottest and knottiest problem of our time - climate change. We are aiming to bring innovative solutions fueled by creativity, collaboration, and kindness, to the most urgent societal and environmental challenges which currently present a tremendous risk to all life on earth.
Video: Juwon Lee
Sound: Aeriform 🤍
Sirius type: Selina Landis

Sirius Initiative is a collaborative platform for future thinking that places art, technology, and social entrepreneurship at the core of its activities to catalyze climate-conscious social changes.
Sirius Initiative is a collaborative platform for future thinking that places art, technology, and social entrepreneurship at the core of its activities to catalyze climate-conscious social changes.
Sirius Initiative is a collaborative platform for future thinking that places art, technology, and social entrepreneurship at the core of its activities to catalyze climate-conscious social changes.
We connect unique, creative, and the kindest humans to solve the knottiest societal and environmental challenges step by step.
We initiate real action to mitigate climate risk and empower resilience in vulnerable communities by using innovative technologies and art practices.
We bring disruptive gentle force to resculpt culture landscapes in both the physical and virtual worlds.
We are the peacemaker in the age of civil war toward the planetary ecosystem and all life within it.
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